Saturday, November 1, 2014

Thailand on the Road, previously titled India on the road....go figure.

on the road
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They aren't kidding when they flash death warnings.
Finally received a translation.
It is Thai for
 toxic chemical
 flammable and dangerous chemical
The beauty of this "sign" is one does not have to be literate to understand the danger.
We did spend a month in Thailand on a four month round the world adventure. And then I revisited for inventory to supply my retail store.

The filmed images are stored in properly labeled film holders that I have been slowly scanning. When I find the folder there will be more info, which I did not always record on the digital scans of the images. Never a "diary" person...I was/am a photo "diarist"...if such a word exists....since before age 13.

Just found a photo of such, in my "scanned film" collection, a Thai taxi as partially seen in top photo, but from afar. Below.
 From the top photo I was initially confused as to the country of origin of the taxi for being inside that taxi.
This photo allows me to know it was not Indian as used to be seen in Delhi contributing heavily to the smog. One reason they were eventually outlawed. I had the thought of importing one of the Delhi taxis because of the USA Harley Davidson power plant, tank, manual HAND shift of the antique design. Eventually I may find a photo of that interesting design.

Denmark 1983 Lousiana Museum

Louisiana Museum 
Denmark 1983
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For information on this wonderful museum see

Photo taken full frame with Leica M4

Paris 1989

Paris 1989

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