This link ...
First lets go back to April 1972 when Jerry Springer was but a councilman....famous then for his honesty and transparency ( :) for those who know ).
On November 10, 2011 Jerry came back home to Cincinnati to celebrate the 1911 opening of the Esquire because Jerry Springer was very helpful assisting the Clifton community in Cincinnati with rescuing the Esquire Theater.
Someone found out I had the photos on me from 1972 (My business is a stone's throw from the theater). He introduced me to Jerry Springer who was very pleasantly surprised by the photos.
I gave him a few prints and Jerry signed a few prints for me. I will post a few of the prints from 1972 for which I had no space in
The celebration was great, at the Esquire Theater.
I did not use flash IIRC because flash is disruptive...therefore Jerry looks a bit wobbly as he graciously met and talked to old friends and new ones. What Jerry did after Cincinnati politics was JUST show business. Inside Jerry Springer is a warm good person.
In the process of saving the Esquire from becoming another fast food joint, one of millions around the world, the saviors of the theater made a mystery movie that was shown upon the rescue of the theater and then on this day of November 10, 2011.
The above is the opening screen of that movie shown decades later. No flash so it was on slow shutter says "If you can piece the clues're doing better than we are!!!
Marylin Hyland is shown playing her part in the mystery film; below. Marilyn Hyland is a publicist,

Another frame of the movie
After the movie on the Esquire screen concluded, Jerry played with a band within the Esquire
More photos of Jerry c. 1972, as a young kid councilman will be posted later.
Funds are coming in from all over the world and I know this Photo blog is seen in France, Botswana, Egypt, Russia, India, Australia, Israel, Malaysia, Canada,Poland, UK, Germany etc....or so Google tells me....
By the autographed photos of Jerry Springer are NOT for sale....never...ever...hmm...I sure could help the project if I did sell them. OK... but anyone interested must negotiate with my guy... in the black eye patch... as seen here;