Thursday, October 30, 2014

NY City April 1983 Central Park

NY City April 1983 Central Park
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Central Park draws people of many types and backgrounds. Tourists, residents, businessmen and those who like to perform for free.

On this rainy day a seated audience under umbrellas watch a man, dressed unconventionally, dance with the pigeons.

Full frame exposure taken with Leica Rangefinder camera

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Boys and Dogs

Boys and Dogs are classics for photography.

All right reserved

We....or at least I, sometimes wonder what a boy or a dog might be thinking.
Obviously there is something taking place here...they are communicating....possibly plotting?
The father walks in with a camera and snaps this before the suspects are aware of his presence.

The sound of the camera gets their attention!
BUSTED!!  Cover is blown!....but what were they discussing? Why are they looking so guilty?
Definitely they aren't talking to the father. Their secret remains sealed forever. The boy looks as if he is mortified his secret has been exposed....the dog is on guard sending a look to the father that no way is he going to find out what they were discussing. The father smiles as it is all too cute and leaves them to continue whatever it was they were plotting.

The boy is now much older but the father still has his camera at hand and is always interested in a good mystery.

Recently he was able to snap a scene that brought the two photos back to mind.

Wonder what these two subjects are thinking...

Antibes, France September 1984

Antibes, France      September 1984

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Monday, October 27, 2014

Jaipur India

Jaipur is a wonderful old city full of crafts and delights.
Palaces and museums which must be visited.
One manner of transportation to the museum and palace is via elephants.
I was on business, as usual, in Jaipur.
My host asked me if I wanted to see where the elephants lived.
Heck yes...I did..... as my street photography art was the yin to the yang of my doing business.
All rights reserved
c 1990s
Being close to a chained elephant is not what you want to do much,
Being chained irritates them as it would us.
It is not uncommon for someone to be attacked by a rightfully resentful intelligent sentient being.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Grafitti from India

Love them or hate them...Dentists are important

Delhi,  India c., 1994
All right reserved

Everyone has an opinion.
Most want to express their opinions.
India is a very literate country so even the
poor can express their thoughts in India which is a Democracy.

The photo files on these pages are small versions of large original files.
Most of these images can be purchased.
contact is 513 751 1440 on a hit or miss basis until I find an answering machine that only records humans as opposed to robo calls.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ganeshpuri India 1993 Gurumayi Chidvilasananda Eat, Pray, Love Meg Ryan

Ganeshpuri India 1993
All rights reserved

This Holy Hot Spring with healing sulfur is well known in Ganeshpuri. Feels great once  you get used to the smell.
from above link;  "Gurumayi Chidvilasananda (or Swami Chidvilasananda) is the current spiritual head of the Siddha Yoga path. She is formally known as Swami Chidvilasananda or more informally as Gurumayi (the word translates to "immersed in the Guru"[1]). The Siddha Yoga lineage (parampara) was established by Bhagawan Nityananda, whose disciple and successor, Muktananda was Gurumayi's guru."

The Ashram in Ganeshpuri is very beautiful....fantastic gardens. At the time the only place we knew of where one could shower and let the water enter the mouth...and drink it...something that begs disaster anywhere else in India at the time.

From one of the links above " Chidvilasananda's ashrams have attracted celebrities, including Meg Ryan,[16] Melanie Griffith, Isabella Rossellini, Diana Ross and Don Johnson.[17][18] The Telegraph states that Scottish pop singer Lulu met Gurumayi.[19] "

I saw Meg Ryan's husband, Dennis Quaid once at the NY ashram. He stared at me very hard...I have been told I look like Robin Williams...perhaps the reason for the stare. Meg was inside the ashram Dennis was by his limo likely thinking similar thoughts as I, while I was waiting for my ex wife (the psychiatrist, to differentiate the two ex's.) Ashrams are okay. I like them...just don't want to hang out in one very long.

Also from link

Eat, Pray, Love

"Reporters for and The New York Post have speculated that Chidvilasananda was the guru featured in Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir Eat, Pray, Love and its film adaptation. Gilbert became a devotee of this guru after seeing a photo of this "radiantly beautiful Indian woman."[21] She later went to the guru's ashram in India as part of a year-long sabbatical. Gilbert has not identified by name the real-life ashram and guru featured in the book.[17][22]

Paris 1985 rue Saint Germain

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Feeding the Pigeons on rue Saint Germain

The only thing that beats walking the streets and alleys of Paris is doing similar in Prague!
I like the one pigeon left of lower center, in mid-flight facing the camera which by the non cropped photo border indicates it was taken with one of my Leica rangefinder cameras.

Chitwan Nepal

All photo rights reserved.
Chitwan in southern Nepal
Elephants are very important in the Chitwan jungle areas. The photo shows how one washes the elephant with the help of the elephant.

Although there are jeeps in Chitwan that can take you through roads made into the jungle one is more likely to come across Rhino, Tiger, and Bear if one takes the path of an elephant, on top of the elephant. ...and so my ex-wife (I always have to differentiate between the two for good reason) so my "psychiatrist-MD" ex wife and I experienced the jungle of Chitwan....what an experience!!!

First we had to get to Chitwan from Kathmandu.
We took a taxi or rather a Toyota Corolla and a hired driver.
Then we would take a raft into Chitwan and then an elephant to the GATES of CHITWAN, so it seemed back in 1991. Imagine the original King Kong movie with the high wall and gate.

Back to the Toyota. The driver stopped at a roadside shack where we rested and he had a large beer.
Oh...forgot to preface with the road description. MOST of this road was down the foothills of the Himals.

The drop offs were spectacular. Most of the road was one lane at the time. The Chinese and the British were at that time, improving that road. On one side was the HIGH mountain face and on the other was a drop of hundreds of feet sometimes many times more than that...and the driver was having a large beer...

We had passed a section of road where a few vehicles were parked...passengers gawking over the ledge of the road....the road was not "paved" was either full of large wide "holes" or had large and smaller boulders on it, that had dropped from the mountain above. Such was the condition of the one lane, mostly, road. On this one spot was a wider area where passengers could relieve themselves and drink the water dripping down the face of the mountain...not worrying that the water came from  far above where other folks were relieving themselves. It was here that a day or so before we stopped at this spot....that a parked truck lost its brakes and gravity slammed it into a bus full of religious pilgrims from India. Many holy spots in Nepal birthplace of Buddha. Hundreds of feet down was the carcass of the bus and sheets covered the many bodies awaiting relatives for a mass cremation ceremony which would be attended by dignitaries from India.  Post on the bus crash

Kilometers down the "road" from that was where our driver stopped to have a large beer....
My wife and I looked at each other unbelieving..... I told the driver that we did not want him to drive. He said he had a time schedule. I said I would drive. It would be against Nepalese law at the time but...the driver was not going to drive if we had a say, nor was he wanting to let me drive. Finally he let me drive. I drove.

I drove and experienced the most interesting of any drive I ever had previously experienced.
The long plunge on the one side. The boulders all over the road intermixed with wide deep pot holes.
Time passed as slowly as the Toyota was making headway with me at the wheel...the car's hubcaps bashing against the sides of boulders, the tires banging into pot holes. At least time did pass. The driver was annoyed and demanded to take back control...which I gladly relinquished. We survived although we later almost did not survive the bears....that is for later. It's a long story.

Okay,we finally stopped where we could scramble on a river raft.

That took us to Chitwan park and the lodge in which we would spend several days.
It was hot and I so much wanted the PROMISED COLD BEER that awaited us.

There are countries where promises are made just to make the "tourist" happy.
The promise may have little to do with reality but to make the tourist happy is an important goal, one that seems not to take up much thought beyond uttering the words of the promise.

Yes, there was beer in the refrigerator.
The refrigerator however was apparently taking a vacation with the beer bottles at room temperature.
I opened the freezer compartment after a time in which I sat with my despair. ...oh...the freezer was doing the duty of the refrigerator...sort of "good". I looked at the resort lodge person and asked why th ebeer was not in the refrigerator? Blank stare...who would put beer in the freezer?

Well, I would and I did...and after an eternity it was cold.

Here I am in 1991 drinking some of that beer at the lodge outdoor "pool" of water.

 All photo rights reserved by my ex wife Margot G. M.D.

Shortly thereafter I was assuaged of the initial difficulties that are far from uncommon in these types of travels. Never had better beer, of course :)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Bali Dance Lessons

Bali...possibly 2001
Village Dance Class
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

World Trade Center pre 09 11 2001

                                             All rights reserved

It is easy not to understand the extreme and total harm done on 09 11 2001
Those on ground zero understood it well,
A birds eye perspective of NY Manhattan Island begs many questions while offering no solace for the losses. The towers were huge.
Many people are not buying into the explanations for them collapsing as they seem to have collapsed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hong Kong 1991

Hong Kong 1991
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Hong Kong in 1991 was still under English authority.
The people retained their religion and traditions as they still wish to today which is causing some problems with Chinese authorities.

We arrived in Hong Kong very early in the morning.
The hotel could not yet give us a room so we wandered into a park.

On a flat surface of green stood a line of women facing out towards the beautiful view.
Behind them was a "Master" of a particular Chinese art with which I was not familiar.
At first I believed it to be Tai Chi, and maybe it was a form of such.
To us it was like Magic!

The women could not see the Master who stood behind them.
He would slowly push forth his arms, hands with open fingers pointed to the sky.

The women would flow forwards with the Master's hands...and then slowly back when the Master's hands came back. The beauty and mystery of this has never left me.

I wonder if my ex wife (the one who is a psychiatrist) remembers the name of this temple.
From the corners of the image, a full frame film image, I know I was using one of the Leica rangefinder cameras.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kerala, India
Kerala, India
                                            All image rights reserved by David R. Biren
Summer of 1991 
Camera; Nikon F2 using a 24mm f2.8 Nikkor lense

Kerala, India is interesting and not like other parts of India.
Summer can be brutally hot. We booked a "private" cabin on an A.C. train car.
Private meant we shared it with another couple.
A.C. meant there were a couple ceiling fans, one broken. Generally in India and elsewhere A.C. means Air Conditioning....we tried not to think about the heat while watching camel caravans from our cabin, drinking the available soft drinks as bottled water was not available. Thumbs Up is an imitation of something...maybe Coke. Limca is not too bad, relatively. All had too much sugar.

My wife, now ex but still "attached" to me over a couple thousand miles was/is a psychiatrist looking for a guru back then...which is why we spent a month in India....where Guru's abound.

One of the guru's we wished to visit was Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
from above link;
" Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, one of India’s few female gurus. Known as “Amma” (which means “mother”), she doesn’t prescribe any specific religious doctrine — unless, of course, you consider hugging to be a religion. Amma strives to better the world with unending, unconditional love, dispensed to her followers through marathon, 22-hour hugging sessions. “My religion is love. An unbroken stream of love flows from Amma to all beings in the universe,” she tells followers. “This is Amma’s inborn nature… To lovingly caress people, to console and wipe their tears until the end of this mortal frame — this is Amma’s wish.” "

The photo above shows the means to complete one part of the journey to see Mata Amritanandamayi Devi who was not at her ashram. No matter....we enjoyed the ashram and when we were almost finishing up our trip we met Mata Amritanandamayi Devi in London, before we took the Queen Elizabeth II back to the states .....during three category 5(?) storms, which was an adventure in itself.
Nice having one's own personal doc on such trips....she had the meds which staved off the seasickness.

In the photo the standing woman is paying for her crossing with one egg in her outstretched hand, and one egg still in her other hand.

Jamaican fish catch mid 1980s

c 1986
 All rights reserved on any of my photos I place in this blog. I will place many of my photos over time. For clarity, I will not post photos belonging to anyone else. (Unless taken by my son:)
The fishermen come to shore in the mornings. Within hours or less they sell out everything.