Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Boys and Dogs

Boys and Dogs are classics for photography.

All right reserved

We....or at least I, sometimes wonder what a boy or a dog might be thinking.
Obviously there is something taking place here...they are communicating....possibly plotting?
The father walks in with a camera and snaps this before the suspects are aware of his presence.

The sound of the camera gets their attention!
BUSTED!!  Cover is blown!....but what were they discussing? Why are they looking so guilty?
Definitely they aren't talking to the father. Their secret remains sealed forever. The boy looks as if he is mortified his secret has been exposed....the dog is on guard sending a look to the father that no way is he going to find out what they were discussing. The father smiles as it is all too cute and leaves them to continue whatever it was they were plotting.

The boy is now much older but the father still has his camera at hand and is always interested in a good mystery.

Recently he was able to snap a scene that brought the two photos back to mind.

Wonder what these two subjects are thinking...

Antibes, France September 1984

Antibes, France      September 1984

All rights reserved