Saturday, January 31, 2015

American Sniper and Jerry Springer

January 2015 is ending.
"American Sniper" has hit record sales.
This link  will explain the movie titled "American Sniper".

Let's go back to April 1972

George McGovern is in Cincinnati. Councilman Jerry Springer is present to support McGovern
The American Snipers are making certain no harm happens.

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American Military Sniper
Cincinnati Police Sniper
Sniper looking over Jerry Springer
You think the military and police are looking out for Jerry?
Nope...not at all.
George McGovern was running for president
Unfortunately George lost to Richard Nixon
Do you hear of George McGovern nowadays? No,... you don't.
You do hear of Jerry Springer however. More on Springer later.

Partial follow up just posted;