Monday, January 5, 2015

THE BEST DOG who ever lived!

THE BEST DOG who ever lived!
An exageration, likely because we were so bonded
and he was so protective to the point he would, I know, give his life for me.
After all I saved his life in Bali, Indonesia and shipped him home and he ALWAYS was up for a challenge given by man or beast stupid enough to think his sweet nature was the full depth of his potential. The scars on his face, while in Bali at 8 months old, were only on his head and nowhere behind his head. Hmm except when he kept proposing to my Akita,...both were neutered but he never gave up on the Akita whose manner of saying "no" was not soft...and she was so much larger than my sweet "Tiga" (Indonesian for "three".)...BTW the eye patch was only for the photograph...the leg was damaged in Bali when we found him about dead.

He would only seriously warn my then young son, whose leg is seen behind him, and never bite him when my son got in his face. I miss this once in a life time dog.