Sunday, May 29, 2016

Beach scene Nice, France 1985; E.P.'s Gund stuffed bear etc.

Beach scene
Nice, France 1985
Leica M + Kodachrome
Stuffed bear by Gund

So many beaches, so easy to forget this one had rocks and pebbles instead of sand.
Back story of E.P.'s Gund bear will remain untold.

E.P. and bear on train from Nice, France 1985
There's that bear again...hate that bear!

Paris 1985 Bridge over Seine - pont-au-change-paris-bridge

Paris 1985
Bridge over Seine
In the evening light.
Pont au Change spanning the Seine
From link; " As you can imagine, looking at its location, the Pont au Change is one of the most photographed bridges in Paris!"

I had no idea until today that is was one the most photographed bridges in Paris but one can see why.